Ford’s AppLink Emulator: First Impressions

Last month Ford released the beta version of AppLink emulator, which can emulate the in-car interface part of Applink, enabling mobile apps to interfere with the car. The emulator provides output (via the emulated screen) and input (via emulated buttons) and offers the same interface to these as would the car. The Carmesh team was very keen to explore what is possible with this exciting new framework.

The objective of our initial work was to understand how the communication works, the I/O capabilities of Applink and how and Android application can access these functions.

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Is Automotive Cloud a game changer for the auto industry?

Today’s automotive market faces significant challenges in the current economic context and many car manufacturers are taking advantage of the latest ICT solutions to stand out from the competition. Advances in cloud computing and mobile communication technologies enable the vision of the always connected car which offers many new possibilities to the auto industry. In this blog post I will focus on explaining the benefits of cloud computing to the automotive industry and consumers alike.

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