Carmesh presents at SmartDevCon2

In September, Carmesh had the opportunity to present at the SmartDevCon2 conference. This is a developer focused conference which is looking to a future comprised of very many smart devices: the conference focuses on innovative tools and technologies appropriate for this new context. With Carmesh focused on the Connected Car – which will clearly have more intelligence – this conference is very much relevant to the project.

The conference itself was a modest international conference – some of the speakers had travelled quite a distance to get there – with about 100 attendees. Most of the attendees came from the mobile development arena and had varying levels of experience.

We presented our view of the evolution of the Connected Car. In essence, we see a HTML5 based OBU talking to a phone where most of the intelligence lies and this connects to a cloud backend (more on our vision here). We also talked about some particular technologies we think are exciting and hold particular promise in this area.

As the audience was mostly comprised of mobile developers, the auto space was something which was new to them; while there was some interest in our talk, I think it’s fair to say that novel mobile platforms were in more demand. It did, however, give us a good platform to get out in front of developers to promote the Carmesh vision.